Sunday, 11 September 2011

It’s time to think about Milan

Barça trained this morning with their minds on Tuesday’s match against Milan, in the Champions League. 4 B Team players joined the group.
Following the 2-2 draw against Real Sociedad, the team got up early on Sunday to carry out some recovery work, and to start thinking about Milan. The players who started against Real Sociedad did some recovery work. 4 B Team players, Oriol Rosell, Lobato, Gustavo, and Masip, who weren’t called up by Eusebio to face Deportivo this Sunday evening (20.00), joined the session. 

Congratulations to Abidal 

The session began with the players forming a circle on pitch number 2 of the training ground, taking the opportunity to congratulate Eric Abidal on the day of his 32nd birthday. The Champions League ball was used in the training session. 

Barça will train again on Monday from 19.15 hours, at the Camp Nou. Before training one of the players will appear at a press conference, followed by Pep Guardiola.

Messi could make his debut against Milan

The Argentine striker hasn’t played any official match against AC Milan. He was on the bench in 2004/05 and the following year in the semifinals of the Champions League he was injured

It was 7 years ago when Leo Messi made his debut in the Champions League. It seems a long time since that game in Donetsk in December 2004, when people began to think that Messi might become a wonderful player. 57 games later in the top European club competition, he’s scored 37 goals and has 3 Champions League winners medals. 

Messi has played against the best teams in Europe: Manchester, Chelsea, Liverpool, Bayern, Inter, Madrid, but of the last 8 champions, he still hasn’t played against one of world football’s historic teams, the second team with more European Cups: Milan. 
Minutes in the Gamper 

The only time that Messi has played against Milan was not an official match, but was in the Joan Gamper Trophy last year and he played the second half, as team captain. On that day Barça beat the Italian club on penalties, with an outstanding performance from José Manuel Pinto. 

Didn’t play in the last two games 

In the 2004/05 season, in the group stage, Messi was on the bench, and saw how Ronaldinho invented one of the best goals in the recent history of the Champions League, in the fourth round of the group stage. At that time Messi had not yet made his debut in the Europe championships. 

One year later, with Messi becoming one of the great promises of world football, he missed the semifinals of the Champions League, due to a muscle injury that he picked up in the second round against Chelsea. 

Top goalscorer in recent editions 
If Guardiola deems fit, Messi will play against AC Milan, rested after being on the bench against Real Sociedad, and motivated by the new challenge in the Champions League. The Argentinian has been top scorer in the last 3 editions of the competition. On 2008/09 he scored 9 goals; 8 goals in 2009/10, and 12 goals in 2010/2012. There are no impossible challenges for the best player on the planet.

hahahhahaha...terkejot x korg tgok gmbo nie...
mmbe baek hakim hasni nie...hhahha
mmg lawak die nie...spelah x knl gn si syamer ngingau nie....siap msok kt umah ktowg ag,,,selamt mse 2 haty leh thn ag...lo x,,mmg dh kne bantaai suda die gn aq...kikikikikikik


nie kwn2 1 clz dlu uma mse dtg kt umah,,, mse 2 x silap raye ke 3 aw...
tp nie jela yg mmpu ikot dek kerane dworg pn akn smbg blajo sme gn aq...huhuhu
yg laen msg2 bz gn fmily g raye jaoh2...
meriah x meriah mne la,,tp bez dpt jmpe kwn2  yg dh lme x jmpe...
masing2 alhmdulillah,,berjaye sume....

raye dalam kesederhanaan........

Sunday, 14 August 2011

berbuke poSE rmai2 Kt KHAR....

NIe adlh sponsor oleh pihak kolej kdiaman  sendri...
yg tukang tlong2,ktowg gk la sbgai rexco...
ad yg rewang n bsme2 menjyekan majlis ini....antre yg teramai la yg hdir wt mse nie mjlis buke pose....
nie mmbe aq,,,nk ikotkn mknn x ckup la...x knyg tyme mlm ktowg amek ag mknn kt bwh 2 gk...
nk mknn lbeh kneln kamceng gn exco....hahahh

nie rexco2 yg laen plk......yg bju biru,,2 r exco blok kdiaman...ktowg nie krenyer ank buah dworg...
hidup REXCO!!!

kenduri kesyukuran umah aq.....

26 JULAI 2011....SELASA malam.....

majlis telah dilakukan ats tnde kesyukuran thdp abg aq yg dh melepasi
kursus kepolisan di Pangkalan Tentera Laut di Raja Malaysia (TLDM),Tg Pengelih..
mjlis kenduri nie pn rncg ary senin n troz jdik ary ahad,,,kerne kesuntukan mse...
tp alhamdulillah,,,mjlis mmg berjln lancar n meriah....
kebetulan pula mse 2 aq gh bercuti...hahah..mmg meriah la jwbnyer..

nie la suasne mlm b4 nk stt kenduri....
blom2 dh nmpk meriah....

nie semse majlis itu blgsg plx....smpai ke anjong....penuh gn org kampong n sedare....

nie dr sudut pintu yg kedua pula...
yg kt pintu pkai bju belang2,,,2 r abg aq yg bru tmt latihan 2....

nie semse wktu mjlis mkn bersama same....
amai gler,,,slmtlah mknn ckup...kkikiki

dh kol 11 lbeh sume dh clear....yg kne gotong royong sume aq n sdare2 aq sehh...pnt la mlm enjoy gn mmbe2 aq yg dtg...hah!!

eh2,,b4 nk tmtkn cter..msokkn la gmbo bdx yg bdoa dgn cre yg btol....

k chow!!

Friday, 12 August 2011


ini adlah aktitviti aq yg pertame jdik exco untok bubor lambok....
pnt gler ape bole wt,,tpkselah lynkn jer demi penghuni di KHAR  nie...
blek2 clz,troz kne tlong,,tp aq menyorok lu,,,dgn alsn bru blek amek mse bpe jam utk aq tidow....hehehehe

ni baru 1 gmbo aq msok kn...
nie gmbo abg Ridhuan...

nie akem yg x malu....
die tukng nyebok ajer....ptot la x sedap...
huhuhu,,relax akemm....

nie la abg Hairil kte,,,,org kuat msk bbor lambok...
mke cumel ajer...kkakkaa...otak x btol...
ktowg nie ank buah die la...
ktowg nie rexco Blok...die plk...exco blok kediaman....
sme jer x btol cm ktowg...

masing2 sebok nk godak bubor lambok......
dr periuk kecik sampai periuk beso...
dh la pnz mse nie...tambah lagi bulan pose... mmg byk tol dugaan mse masak bubor nie,,,,

ni lah hasil bubor lambok yg ktowg dpt stelh btungkus lumus mengacaw nyer...

sedap x sedap mne la mse buke,,abes gk...mntg2 dh lapo...sental jela ape yg ade....
huhuhuu.....bubornyer pn nmpk mnarik an....
lo nk rse meh la dtg kt of charge!!